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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 033 - Children)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This week's topic - Children

This week's challenge - Find your inner child and play

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 032 - Christmas Time)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This week's challenge: What do you do to remove your barriers and treat others as human?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 031 - The Club)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This week's challenge: Assess how you hide from the world!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 031 - Cross Training)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room.

This week's challenge: Go out and cross train your mind!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 030 - We Don't Know !@#%)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room: We don't know !@#$
This week's challenge: admit that you don't know. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 029 - Stress)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room topic is Stress.

This week's challenge: Find a day and de-strress naturally.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 028 - Age)

Missed a few weeks due to a movie shoot and Thanksgiving.  Here we are again. 

This week's Challenge: Redefine your view of friends based on attitude not numbers.  

Monday, September 28, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 027 - Weekend Warrior)

Hey everyone,

Here is this week's instalment.

Do enjoy your challenge of doing something for yourself.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 026 - Solitude)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This week's topic Solitude

This week's challenge: Reflect.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 025 - Rebuilding)

Episode 25 
This week's topic: Rebuilding
This week's challenge: What do you do when disaster strikes you?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 024 - Foundations)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room.

This week's topic: Foundations

Your challenge: Discover if you show your facade or your foundation.

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 023 - Give Up)

Forgot to bring this in on the cross post folks.

Take a look at last week's Thoughts from the Green Room.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 021 - Unconditional Love)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This weeks topic Unconditional Love

This weeks challenge: How do you show your support when you ask about people's work.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 020 - Corin Raymond: Artist)

A good friend of mine and talented musician.  Watch this one and hear what its like to be an artist. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 018 - Without Tools)

Had some problems on the upload with this one, but here it is.  Enjoy.

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 019 - Contracts)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room.

This week's challenge: Do some negotiating this week and make sure you know your worth.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 017 - Living Life)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This week's topic: Living Life

This week's challenge: go live some life actively!


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 016 - Creative Catalysts)

This weeks topic: Creative Catalysts: are you a catalyst for social change?

This weeks challenge: figure out how you are

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 015 - Threads and Layers)

Here are you Thoughts from the Green Room.

This week's topic: Threads and Layers

This week's challenge: Decide if you weave your life with vibrant threads.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 014 - Change vs. Growth)

   This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

The topic: Change vs Growth

Your challenge: look at what needs change or what needs growth - they are two separate things

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 013 - Perspective)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room
This episode's topic: Perspective
Your challenge: How has your perspective changed? Are you still getting what you want or is it time for change?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Thought from the Greeen Room (Ep. 012 - Changing Streams)

Here is your weekly Thoughts from the Green Room.

This weeks topic: Changing streams aka: managing your life.

This weeks challenge: see if you really are doing what you want and a simple step to do it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 011 - Choices)

This week's topic: Choices

This week's challenge: See if you can live with your choices.

This one took some time to upload so it is a bit late. Thus things go.

It is interesting because it was a hard learned lesson that took some deliberating.  Enjoy the video.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 010 - Rejection)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This week's Topic: Rejection

Your challenge: Learn how you handle/don't handle rejection.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 009 - Opposites)

After almost a month away I am back with this week's instalment of Thoughts from the Green Room.  I took a vacation to England, which was fabulous, all I did was relax no big adventures, a much needed rest.  Upon returning I finished the rehearsal process for The Land of Promise and opened the show on May 1, 2015 at Red Sandcastle Theatre on Queen East.  A great production talking about women's right and their place in the world circa early 1900.  Now back on the train which drives this lovely vlog.  Have fun watching. 

This week's topic: Opposites
Your challenge:  Examine what you are afraid of and see what you are stopping yourself from doing. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 008 - Why or What)

Here are this week's Thoughts from the Green Room

This week's topic: Are you a Why or What?

This week's challenge: examine how you present and understand where you come from.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 007 - Idols)

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room: Idols
Your challenge:  Figure out who your idol is and what goal they inspire in you!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 006 - Criticism)

This weeks Thoughts from the Green Room: Criticism and how we take it.

Your Challenge: Observe yourself when someone gives you criticism and see how you can change your behaviour to better open yourself to it.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 005 - In the Moment)

Here are your Thoughts from the Green Room. This week's topic: Being in the moment.

Your challenge: Work to be conscious in the moment.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thoughts from the Green Room (Ep. 004 - Professionalism)

This week's topic is Professionalism

Your challenge: Examine where you are in the wrong and see how you handle it.  Are you professional? Are you human about it?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Measures of Success

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room: Measures of Success

Your challenge:  Take a look at where you are. Are you successful for yourself? If not what needs to change to get you there?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Our Many Faces

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room topic: Our Many Faces or What We Show Others
Your Challenge: If you are conscious of the faces you put forward examine them and see if they serve you.  If you are not conscious of your faces, examine how you interact with others and work towards consciously being aware of who you put forward.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Being Prepared

Welcome to this week's Thoughts from the Green Room.
This week's topic: Preparation
Your Challenge: Reflect on your professional life and see where you are not preparing and check in to see if that needs to change. 

This week launches the new format of Thoughts from the Green Room on YouTube.  Take a look at the new format here

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Making Art

Welcome to Thoughts from the Green Room
This week's topic: Making Art
Your challenge: Take a look at anything you do and see what your intention is.  Do you make good art? Do you share of yourself for others?  Reflect.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Welcome to Thoughts from the Green Room.
This week's challenge: Actors see  how a name affects your character creation. For everyone, think, about the things you interact with daily, ponder why they are called what they are and see how that effects you.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Welcome to Thoughts from the Green Room
This week's topic: Perspective
Your Challenge:  Look at something you hate and examine it.  Is there a perspective you can give it so that you can enjoy it?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Supplemental Material

Today's topic in Thoughts from the Green Room: Supplemental Material

Movies, books and the news are three main sources which supply us with information about our craft and the path we can be on.  Are you informed?

This week's challenge: Examine for yourself where you as an artist are with supplemental material and work to use it more.  If you are not an artist, the same challenge applies, what supplemental material informs your work space and how do you use it to keep you informed?