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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Measures of Success

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room: Measures of Success

Your challenge:  Take a look at where you are. Are you successful for yourself? If not what needs to change to get you there?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Our Many Faces

This week's Thoughts from the Green Room topic: Our Many Faces or What We Show Others
Your Challenge: If you are conscious of the faces you put forward examine them and see if they serve you.  If you are not conscious of your faces, examine how you interact with others and work towards consciously being aware of who you put forward.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Being Prepared

Welcome to this week's Thoughts from the Green Room.
This week's topic: Preparation
Your Challenge: Reflect on your professional life and see where you are not preparing and check in to see if that needs to change. 

This week launches the new format of Thoughts from the Green Room on YouTube.  Take a look at the new format here

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Making Art

Welcome to Thoughts from the Green Room
This week's topic: Making Art
Your challenge: Take a look at anything you do and see what your intention is.  Do you make good art? Do you share of yourself for others?  Reflect.