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Monday, January 9, 2012

Completion (2006-12-17)

It is done; the second draft or the first. After hearing the feedback from the reading night this draft is so different from everything else I wrote, it was like starting from scratch. It felt a little daunting at first, like a backward step, but I knew it had to be done to get the best possible outcom. Over the years I have seen a number of one man shows and I think something, and I can only speak from my experience, which links them all together, is that they always touch on a personal note, a truth the actor faces. I believe all acting needs to do this but one man shows seem to dig just a little deeper. As I wrote my final line in the one piece today, I heard the bell of truth ring through my soul. It was so powerful everything around me went quiet for just a moment. Writing this show has been a scary process; I?m doing something I have never done before, I am acting in a way I have not attempted, I am presenting private thought, but most importantly I have actively challenged myself to grow and change my self perception.

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