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Monday, January 9, 2012

Sponsors (2007-03-08)

Fortunately it is a nice day. I steel my nerves and I walk into the first restaurant. As I walk up the stairs I recall the script in my head and all the techniques in communication I learned as an effective coach. It is rather nerve racking approaching people for sponsorship; however, I know that the advertising I am selling will offer them benefit of potential business. Nonetheless it is still nerve racking. I walk in and ask for the manager. I am pointed in the right direction and out comes the stuff in my head. I guess it was the right stuff as he asks me to sit and off we go.

All in all the day was pretty good. For a whole bunch of cold calls I raised a dollar or two towards the show and help to offset some of the costs. I was relieved that it was over because I found it challenging. It was a difficult task to walk in unannounced and say hey do you want to sponsor me. As I think about it, the challenge wasn’t in the asking but in the believing of the self. 

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