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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

MOOSE BLOOP! - Props? (2010-07-24)

Sitting at home on a Saturday night. No not watching movies, or chatting with friends. I am in the middle of my floor building shadow puppets for MOOSE BLOOP! The show opens in one week, and as much as we are further ahead than any other year we are still working like crazy to open another show. Steve and Marla are in Muskoka, they spent the day promoting the show at the FoodLand. I worked all day, and am spending the evening building our props. I built the ant earlier, and as the night wanes on I build puppets for our final effect at the Nebulous.

I own a theatre company and every now and again I surprise myself with that simple thought. I look into what I do to get these shows off the ground and realize I love what I do, regardless of fatigue, I still push because the end is worth it. In time I will look back and know, as I sit comfortably, that every second was worth it.

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